I n practice, of course, things are more complicated. Effective translation necessitates a nuanced understanding of (at least) two languages and cultures, both source and target.

It requires an understanding of the original content’s goals. It mandates a fluency in tone and subtext as well as vocabulary and grammar. In short, it requires a highly competent person to effect resonance.

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In theory, companies could (and some do) perform translation and localization work in-house. But the reason so many choose not to is because a language service provider (LSP) like Lionbridge can help simplify processes (and, in the long run, reduce costs) when translation and localization get really complicated. And complications happen as a result of three distinct customer needs: speed, scale, and quality.

At Lionbridge, we’ve earned a reputation as relentless orchestrators of this complexity—largely because of our responses to those three needs.

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