Maximize Your Patient Experience ROI: The Business Case for Better Healthcare IT

The healthcare industry has been laggard with regard to technology, and is now rapidly evolving to catch up to consumer expectations. The potential upsides are tremendous and will impact the way healthcare is delivered, received and tracked for the better, but the first step is to understand the new table stakes. Today’s healthcare consumer is more informed than ever, doing their homework before, after, or in lieu of visiting a doctor. They expect to engage as a partner and collaborator, rather than a passive recipient, and have the tools to do so. Their expectations of personalized care and access complement the shift to value-based care and a focus on delivering better care, not more. Key to this change is embracing rather than fearing technology; a strategic application of available tools is an essential foundation for changing the “way of doing business” and opening doors for the headline technologies still in early stages. Healthcare systems can see a rapid and significant return on their investment with a focus on proven consumer-oriented approaches and strategic application of technology.

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