Hospitals and health systems can gain faster access to the Population Health Management Platform through The Garage.

The Garage today announced that, in an effort to address the difficulties facing the healthcare industry and facilitate the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care, it is providing independent hospitals and health systems with expanded access to its population health management platform, Bridge. The Garage will implement its digital-first, data-first strategy, concentrating on small to midsize hospitals, health systems, and their associated practices and clinicians. This will enable organizations to enhance care quality, efficiency, and patient experience in order to realize shared savings.

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Bridge is the top population health management platform in the market and is not dependent on any particular EHR. Bridge allows users to examine payer, clinical, HIE, SDOH, and other available data for the client in a single, unified view. It also allows users to dynamically filter data based on payers, geographies, and other lines of business. Hospitals and Health Systems can use Bridge’s end-to-end solutions, which manage patients through comfortable alternatives to office visits using synchronous and asynchronous touchpoints, and access patient data from other organizations using Bridge’s embedded network management. The Community Care Collaborative of PA/NJ’s executive director, Joe Taylor, declared that “value-based care represents a transformative development for our Industry.” Our ongoing collaboration with the Garage enables us to implement technology that streamlines the process of arranging medical care.

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