Lyra Delivers the Highest ROI in Mental Health Care
The study employed a robust statistical framework widely recognized in economics and health services research literature. And, even with a rigorous methodology, Lyra’s study delivered an ROI that is 50% higher than the next competitor.
Lyra stands out as the only vendor offering a detailed savings breakdown, underscoring our unwavering commitment to transparency in ROI and cost savings analysis. The $4,138 savings were achieved through:
- Lower inpatient mental health spending
- Lower medical spending
- Lower ED utilization & spending
- Lower inpatient & outpatient facility spending
- Reduced RX claims and spend
Additionally, savings were strongest for those with complex needs. Employees with complex needs represent a small percentage of the workforce but drive the highest health care costs. In this study, Lyra demonstrated a savings of $11,809 per individual for those battling alcohol and substance use disorders.